52 Weekly Business Ezines

In 52 weekly business ezines you will learn and master the 5 Stages of starting, growing and managing a Profitable Business.

Each issue is published on Wednesday.

Each issue discusses the 5 Stages of Entrepreneurship

Stage 1: Characteristics of an Entrepreneur - 6 key characterisics

Stage 2: Profitable Business Opportunity Reviews

Stage 3: Profitable Marketing Plans

Stage 4: Profitable Business Plans

Stage 5: Business Financing

"Five Reasons To Subscribe"

Reason 1: Free Coaching - Get your business, marketing, entrepreneur question answered for free. There is no limit on the amount of questions you can ask.

Reason 2: 342 Headlines - This is a brilliant book! Scot simply lists 342 of the all-time best headlines that you can use as inspiration for your own great headline. Headlines matter, and now YOU have the power to create great headlines. 31 pages - PDF Format

Reason 3: Million Dollar E-mails - Read the actual email that made Corey Rudl over $400,000 in less than 60 days! Read other emails that made master marketers like Yanik Silver, Jonathan Mizel, Allen Says, Joe Vitale and more. As you read these emails you will see patterns that you can copy and use in your marketing. PDF format

Reason 4: Target Marketing Blueprint - One key to succeeding online is to target your market, to speak to those people who are interested in YOUR offer. In this short report Stephen provides critical insight into how to do that. Excellent for anyone doing pay per click! PDF Format

Reason 5: Free Traffic in 24 hrs - Very few people know how to make real money with traffic exchanges. Glen is one. In this short report he shows you how to combine the #1 traffic exchange with webrings to bring in real traffic. PDF Format

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